...And we are SO PROUD! Tonight, several GG's were witness to what can only be described as a remarkable exhibit of some of the finest artwork on earth! Our very own GG "Dazzle" dazzled the elegant, eclectic crowd with her amazing artistic talent. It is rumored that 9 of the 12 pieces on display sold within minutes of the opening, and I, Lisa-licious, forked over 10 thousand dollars...uh, I mean "cents"...for a print of the piece entitled "Joy". I just love that dishwashing soap! It "softens my hands while I do the dishes! " Oh, who are we kidding...Lisa-licious does NOT do dishes!!!
Missy E poses by her fave piece...lookin' for love, Missy E?
And what a charmer Francesco was...he is so "well-behaved in public". It's an inside joke. Missy E, are you giggling yet?!
Shugga popped in with her hubby...they were having "date night" tonight to make up for the one ruined by last weeks sojourn to the country western bar. Sorry, Shugga...glad you could make it!
LT had to leave just as Missy E and Lisa-licious arrived, claiming that she had to "sell popcorn at 7 A.M. the next morning". Now, I ask you, have you ever heard such a crazy excuse in your life? I mean, seriously! At least make up something plausible! You don't even look like a boy scout, LT! Do you think I am stupid just because my head is smaller than yours?
"JOURNEY??!!...I LOVE THAT BAND! I used to date them!
Of course, Cizzle was in attendance, and as you can see from the photos, a great time was had by all!
Hey, aren't these Dazzle's "stalkers" from karaoke night?
Missy E: Hey, Lisa-licious, let's take home these great bookmarks that feature Dazzle's artwork! They're free!
Lisa-licious: Great, but where on earth am I going to find a book this BIG?
Missy E: I am scared. Really.
Thanks for inviting us...you are an amazing artist, woman, and friend!